After re-visiting my resolutions from last year I think I have done pretty well by sticking to them. So I've decided to give some more a bash this year.

The first one of my resolutions this year is to take more pictures, I have like a dozen cameras but only ever seem to use my phone. So this year I'd like to document my memories by taking lots more pictures, and actually printing them off, rather then them sitting on my laptop.
Another resolution of mine is to learn the piano, I've always wanted to but never got round to taking lessons. I think it would be such an amazing skill to have, and as I finish university this year, I have no excuses as I will have plenty of time for it.
My favourite resolution for this year is to begin to write my bucket list, I've been meaning to start doing this for years, but yet again as I finish university I would love to build it up and start ticking things off.
Last but not least this year I want to start blogging again, last year I well and truly sucked at blogging. I've missed it alot, and just want to get back into the swing of it, which means sorting out my time management and getting my butt into gear.
What's your resolution this year? Or have any fun ideas I can start adding to my bucket list?